Fred Smith to Aberystwyth

Fred Smith to Aberystwyth - Race 1. - Back to Series results
Pos Points Helm name Crew name Class of boat Sail no. PN Laps Elapsed time Corrected time
1 1 Frank Nickless Helen Hardman GP14 14199 1130 1 00:48:30 2575
2 2 Michael  Ball   Laser 157742 1099 1 00:49:22 2695
3 3 Brian Hickson Grant Hickson GP14 13726 1130 1 00:54:49 2911
4 4 Robin Druett Pete Benson Laser Fun 1082 1 00:53:18 2956
5 5 Katie Caldwell JAMES MARK C Wayfarer 10403 1102 1 00:54:46 2982
6 6 Jack Benson   Laser Radial 193721 1139 1 00:56:53 2996
7 7 Jonathan Thompson Jennie Thompson lasertwothousand 2393 1112 1 00:55:36 3000
8 8 Desmond George Phoebe Crossley GP14 13295 1130 1 00:56:46 3014
9 9 Ken MacKenzie   Solo 5163 1143 1 01:06:48 3507

Magnificent Estuary Sailing