DYC Management Team 2022 / 2023.

The Dovey Yacht Club / Clwb Hwylio Dyfi management team is made up of enthusiastic volunteers who work together to deliver a full season of on the water and social activities.

As shown on the management structure diagram viewed here there is a “DYC On The Water Team” and a “DYC Shore Team”.

 The DYC On The Water Team is lead by:



Mobile No

Email address

Sailing Secretary




Chief Sailing Instructor

Kate Stevens

07984 622401


Chief Power Boat Instructor

Dan Stevens

07951 105402


Premier Events Manager




Junior Events Manager

Katie Caldwell

07779 614138


Safety Boat Mngr / maintenance

Steve Bedder

07896 966430



Huw Jones-Williams



Sailing Dinghy Bosun


 Dinghy Park Manager 

Neil Plater 




Freddie Collier 



Ian Bayliss





 The DYC Shore Teamis lead by:



Mobile No

Email address

Financial Officer

Des George

07977 943249


Membership Secretary

David Mason

07768 300780


Safe guarding Officers

Huw Jones-Williams and Jo Hickson

07816 662282 / 07805 434612



Marketing Manager



Social Secretary

Jo Hickson

07805 434612


Beverage Manager

Clare Strange



Property Manager

Terry Loftus

07749 148328






 The main duties associated with each role are:


Main Duties

Sailing Secretary

To plan the annual sailing schedule and co-ordinate race officials.

Chief Sailing Instructor

To plan and manage all DYC sailing training and lessons.

Chief Power Boat Instructor

To plan and manage all DYC power boat training and lessons

Premier Events Manager

To bring to DYC national level sailing events and host the events.

Junior Events Manager

To plan and manage Junior sailing & training events. e.g. Topper week.

Safety Boat Manager / maintenance

To manage DYC safety boats and co-ordinate safety boat crews

Sailing Dinghy Manager

To manage club sailing dinghies; repairs, maintenance and booking out.

Financial Officer

To manage bank account, staff payroll, supplier’s payments. 

Membership Secretary

To administer membership renewals and new member applications.

Designated Safe Guarding Officers

To ensure compliance with legislation and RYA guidance for the  safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.

Marketing Manager

To manage DYC marketing; social medial, website, e-shots, newsletters etc

Social Secretary

To ensure DYC has a full season of social events.

Beverage Manager

To manage supplies of drinks and snacks. To manage the beer cellar and recruit and manage bar staff.

Property Manager

To manage maintenance of DYC club house.

 Dinghy Park Manager 

 To bring order to the chaos 

From the structure diagram it will be seen lead person on each role is ideally supported by other volunteers to spread the work load. Please make contact if you would like to help with a particular role, or perhaps several roles! Volunteering is fun and contributes immensely to the future success of your club. 

The Directors presently are Desmond George, David Mason, Freddie Collier, Neil Plater, Steve Bedder, Jo Hickson,  and Kate Stevens. The club is actively seeking further board members. Again, if you feel your skills may be of use please talk to the Directors.

It is of note that the Articles of Association of the club, set out the objective of the club as follows: “The club is established for the following purpose: to promote and facilitate community participation in healthy recreation by the provision of facilities for the sport of sailing and other water borne activities”.

This club exists to help its members sail; it is your club, please help and support it where ever you can.




Magnificent Estuary Sailing